Russian foreign trade statistics
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia
Product group: Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof
Mode: import
Period: 2017
Country | Cost, US dollars |
Albania | 842 |
Argentina | 728 274 |
Belarus | 9 472 082 |
Belgium | 4 876 |
Brazil | 40 052 |
Bulgaria | 1 988 |
Canada | 4 296 334 |
China | 139 124 367 |
Croatia | 2 048 |
Cyprus | 102 075 |
Czech Republic | 9 451 |
Denmark | 3 763 353 |
European Union | 44 |
Faroe Islands | 57 |
Finland | 20 413 447 |
France | 7 246 314 |
Germany | 4 205 235 |
Greece | 24 022 661 |
Hong Kong | 2 721 117 |
Hungary | 44 624 |
India | 67 640 |
Italy | 28 722 376 |
Japan | 17 836 |
Kazakhstan | 406 410 |
Kyrgyzstan | 42 356 |
Latvia | 11 397 |
Lebanon | 87 821 |
Lithuania | 222 411 |
Malaysia | 671 |
Moldova | 189 242 |
Morocco | 3 002 |
Netherlands | 9 352 |
New Zealand | 2 005 |
Philippines | 79 648 |
Poland | 920 831 |
Portugal | 31 708 |
Romania | 136 491 |
San Marino | 408 944 |
Serbia | 160 539 |
Slovakia | 1 338 828 |
Slovenia | 30 201 |
South Korea | 42 538 |
Spain | 1 717 403 |
Sweden | 918 284 |
Switzerland | 107 225 |
Tanzania | 1 380 |
Thailand | 481 |
Turkey | 35 854 273 |
Ukraine | 116 487 |
United Kingdom | 655 925 |
United States | 413 877 |
Uzbekistan | 791 052 |
Vietnam | 133 020 |