Russian foreign trade statistics
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia
Product group: Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals,of radioactive elements or of isotopes
Mode: import
Period: Q4 2017
Country | Cost, US dollars |
Algeria | 93 487 |
Argentina | 4 276 366 |
Australia | 104 073 528 |
Austria | 741 813 |
Azerbaijan | 339 700 |
Belarus | 8 251 549 |
Belgium | 4 159 769 |
Bolivia | 680 075 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 517 679 |
Brazil | 4 115 809 |
Bulgaria | 3 840 322 |
Canada | 10 641 065 |
Chile | 14 990 227 |
China | 81 885 276 |
Colombia | 33 163 |
Croatia | 85 |
Czech Republic | 18 935 838 |
Denmark | 414 742 |
Estonia | 2 506 897 |
European Union | 92 261 |
Finland | 16 889 241 |
France | 54 580 506 |
Georgia | 643 316 |
Germany | 30 121 509 |
Greece | 89 100 |
Hong Kong | 850 409 |
Hungary | 2 069 392 |
India | 4 203 288 |
Indonesia | 61 866 |
Iran | 254 026 |
Ireland | 20 891 845 |
Israel | 1 459 105 |
Italy | 5 651 808 |
Jamaica | 25 219 368 |
Japan | 2 046 509 |
Jordan | 518 280 |
Kazakhstan | 138 446 187 |
Kyrgyzstan | 154 426 |
Latvia | 238 540 |
Liechtenstein | 2 446 |
Lithuania | 4 734 304 |
Malaysia | 21 359 |
Mexico | 708 356 |
Netherlands | 3 852 313 |
Nicaragua | 49 |
Niger | 906 000 |
Norway | 1 932 105 |
Peru | 197 721 |
Poland | 3 734 227 |
Portugal | 96 663 |
Qatar | 477 502 |
Romania | 196 268 |
Serbia | 5 767 |
Singapore | 8 517 |
Slovakia | 618 511 |
Slovenia | 334 832 |
South Africa | 13 792 303 |
South Korea | 16 264 938 |
Spain | 8 025 856 |
Sweden | 793 263 |
Switzerland | 1 474 536 |
Taiwan | 155 179 |
Thailand | 1 762 192 |
Tunisia | 3 196 530 |
Turkey | 9 887 564 |
Turkmenistan | 27 500 |
Ukraine | 209 610 925 |
United Arab Emirates | 4 259 315 |
United Kingdom | 3 130 828 |
United States | 33 097 118 |
Uzbekistan | 1 296 695 |
Vietnam | 53 818 |