Russian foreign trade statistics
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia
Product group: Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof
Mode: export
Period: Q4 2017
Country | Cost, US dollars |
Abkhazia | 3 386 402 |
Afghanistan | 605 648 |
Albania | 209 205 |
Algeria | 23 584 070 |
Andorra | 5 822 |
Angola | 8 024 130 |
Argentina | 1 829 609 |
Armenia | 30 084 956 |
Australia | 918 741 |
Austria | 3 597 692 |
Azerbaijan | 15 703 794 |
Bahrain | 129 803 |
Bangladesh | 6 158 356 |
Belarus | 282 781 931 |
Belgium | 24 241 991 |
Benin | 1 706 |
Bolivia | 95 798 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 613 352 |
Brazil | 2 736 467 |
British Virgin Islands | 74 782 |
Brunei | 12 258 |
Bulgaria | 166 020 958 |
Burundi | 106 122 |
Canada | 2 142 348 |
Central African Republic | 78 311 |
Chad | 32 740 |
Chile | 212 184 |
China | 556 771 850 |
Colombia | 4 599 261 |
Congo - Brazzaville | 29 976 |
Congo - Kinshasa | 30 525 |
Costa Rica | 137 856 |
Croatia | 297 987 |
Cuba | 15 342 789 |
Cyprus | 1 197 203 |
Czech Republic | 50 942 039 |
Denmark | 140 353 |
Dominican Republic | 2 530 |
Ecuador | 803 023 |
Egypt | 45 156 070 |
Estonia | 4 505 517 |
Ethiopia | 2 175 609 |
Finland | 6 153 387 |
France | 50 786 833 |
French Guiana | 350 762 |
Georgia | 9 026 917 |
Germany | 82 706 629 |
Ghana | 261 219 |
Greece | 1 474 204 |
Guatemala | 51 816 |
Guinea | 1 218 729 |
Guyana | 26 255 |
Haiti | 5 115 |
Hong Kong | 4 610 403 |
Hungary | 1 899 842 |
Iceland | 34 280 |
India | 291 841 037 |
Indonesia | 1 382 664 |
Iran | 79 939 374 |
Iraq | 2 633 146 |
Ireland | 733 783 |
Israel | 565 769 |
Italy | 15 825 451 |
Jamaica | 1 586 |
Japan | 323 126 |
Jordan | 170 320 |
Kazakhstan | 280 855 675 |
Kuwait | 1 560 598 |
Kyrgyzstan | 14 863 689 |
Laos | 2 225 |
Latvia | 18 965 847 |
Lebanon | 200 900 |
Liberia | 1 639 |
Libya | 1 470 |
Liechtenstein | 16 523 |
Lithuania | 11 001 816 |
Luxembourg | 355 336 |
Macedonia | 559 099 |
Madagascar | 951 |
Malaysia | 51 982 |
Maldives | 25 916 |
Mali | 310 428 |
Mauritius | 47 966 |
Mexico | 2 644 961 |
Moldova | 8 233 187 |
Mongolia | 8 199 890 |
Montenegro | 340 255 |
Morocco | 193 180 |
Mozambique | 123 142 |
Myanmar (Burma) | 8 770 221 |
Namibia | 125 864 |
Nepal | 383 |
Netherlands | 28 991 497 |
New Zealand | 520 314 |
Nicaragua | 558 519 |
Niger | 400 |
Nigeria | 42 514 |
North Korea | 12 365 |
Norway | 2 965 227 |
Oman | 567 735 |
Pakistan | 2 081 930 |
Palestinian Territories | 845 |
Panama | 133 966 |
Papua New Guinea | 5 250 |
Paraguay | 8 050 |
Peru | 36 844 |
Philippines | 680 755 |
Poland | 30 926 010 |
Portugal | 122 204 |
Puerto Rico | 1 374 976 |
Qatar | 193 851 |
Romania | 13 743 340 |
Samoa | 390 000 |
Saudi Arabia | 1 875 770 |
Senegal | 28 448 |
Serbia | 4 116 143 |
Seychelles | 42 869 |
Singapore | 3 306 780 |
Slovakia | 2 409 324 |
Slovenia | 97 057 |
Somalia | 162 385 |
South Africa | 536 489 |
South Korea | 10 127 222 |
South Ossetia | 2 187 192 |
South Sudan | 21 023 |
Spain | 2 699 777 |
Sri Lanka | 8 100 |
Sudan | 933 082 |
Sweden | 2 152 334 |
Switzerland | 5 484 951 |
Syria | 1 291 088 |
Taiwan | 157 884 |
Tajikistan | 4 170 231 |
Tanzania | 52 215 |
Thailand | 288 871 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 2 265 |
Tunisia | 247 520 |
Turkey | 3 016 705 |
Turkmenistan | 6 453 220 |
Uganda | 578 928 |
Ukraine | 269 225 023 |
United Arab Emirates | 24 846 913 |
United Kingdom | 9 861 213 |
United States | 188 579 755 |
Unknown Region | 170 894 |
Uruguay | 16 239 |
Uzbekistan | 76 592 906 |
Venezuela | 3 088 532 |
Vietnam | 67 722 379 |
Zambia | 39 638 |
Zimbabwe | 7 253 |