Russian foreign trade statistics
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia
Product group: Lead and articles thereof
Mode: export
Period: Q4 2017
Country | Cost, US dollars |
Argentina | 152 |
Armenia | 214 309 |
Austria | 41 129 |
Azerbaijan | 48 571 |
Belarus | 1 030 025 |
Belgium | 819 389 |
British Virgin Islands | 8 |
Bulgaria | 702 123 |
Canada | 42 |
Cayman Islands | 6 124 414 |
China | 156 |
Colombia | 12 |
Congo - Brazzaville | 5 |
Czech Republic | 7 736 491 |
Estonia | 618 799 |
France | 60 839 |
Germany | 6 397 994 |
Greece | 6 843 335 |
Indonesia | 157 |
Iran | 21 |
Iraq | 0 |
Kazakhstan | 294 185 |
Kyrgyzstan | 223 839 |
Moldova | 241 |
Netherlands | 7 781 |
Poland | 5 999 316 |
Romania | 8 |
Serbia | 111 803 |
Singapore | 2 724 560 |
Slovakia | 3 |
Slovenia | 44 589 |
Switzerland | 17 980 684 |
Thailand | 1 249 384 |
Turkey | 22 640 337 |
Ukraine | 3 746 886 |
United Arab Emirates | 261 |
United Kingdom | 3 392 115 |
Uzbekistan | 4 763 792 |