Russian foreign trade statistics
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia
Product group: Miscellaneous chemical products
Mode: export
Period: 2017
Country | Cost, US dollars |
Abkhazia | 801 927 |
Afghanistan | 673 762 |
Algeria | 462 707 |
Angola | 652 646 |
Argentina | 748 906 |
Armenia | 4 191 236 |
Australia | 47 865 |
Austria | 31 933 |
Azerbaijan | 11 458 969 |
Bahamas | 1 170 |
Bahrain | 1 011 164 |
Belarus | 98 616 788 |
Belgium | 24 812 |
Belize | 108 |
Bolivia | 386 512 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 91 706 |
Brazil | 442 069 |
British Virgin Islands | 221 188 |
Bulgaria | 776 738 |
Burundi | 4 |
Cambodia | 4 932 |
Cameroon | 15 494 |
Canada | 452 248 |
Central African Republic | 16 993 |
Chile | 95 372 |
China | 46 349 692 |
Colombia | 1 964 970 |
Congo - Kinshasa | 1 046 |
Costa Rica | 4 997 |
Cote d’Ivoire | 15 193 |
Croatia | 23 138 |
Cuba | 6 668 |
Cyprus | 85 756 |
Czech Republic | 2 170 869 |
Denmark | 52 533 |
Djibouti | 83 512 |
Dominican Republic | 33 288 |
Ecuador | 879 699 |
Egypt | 11 355 668 |
El Salvador | 5 035 |
Estonia | 8 557 140 |
Ethiopia | 13 465 |
Faroe Islands | 128 |
Finland | 26 859 076 |
France | 5 210 901 |
French Guiana | 434 |
Georgia | 2 971 828 |
Germany | 15 110 410 |
Ghana | 20 375 |
Greece | 343 605 |
Guatemala | 17 196 |
Guinea | 70 287 |
Honduras | 32 |
Hong Kong | 807 384 |
Hungary | 167 427 |
Iceland | 685 |
India | 12 395 198 |
Indonesia | 535 910 |
Iran | 1 673 813 |
Iraq | 427 511 |
Ireland | 18 408 |
Israel | 16 747 370 |
Italy | 3 355 671 |
Japan | 943 453 |
Jordan | 4 438 604 |
Kazakhstan | 150 305 144 |
Kenya | 61 288 |
Kuwait | 1 539 009 |
Kyrgyzstan | 9 909 326 |
Laos | 502 |
Latvia | 12 717 178 |
Lebanon | 4 415 272 |
Libya | 80 261 |
Lithuania | 4 608 466 |
Luxembourg | 1 065 047 |
Macedonia | 41 265 |
Malaysia | 296 656 |
Mali | 132 |
Malta | 7 153 |
Mauritania | 472 |
Mexico | 459 920 |
Moldova | 6 789 422 |
Monaco | 2 674 |
Mongolia | 10 309 200 |
Morocco | 81 775 |
Mozambique | 62 799 |
Myanmar (Burma) | 32 678 |
Namibia | 103 |
Netherlands | 3 984 495 |
New Zealand | 390 |
Nigeria | 64 169 |
North Korea | 16 670 |
Norway | 15 219 |
Oman | 975 119 |
Pakistan | 632 414 |
Palestinian Territories | 216 345 |
Panama | 40 273 |
Paraguay | 28 541 |
Peru | 1 526 613 |
Poland | 6 595 918 |
Portugal | 322 040 |
Qatar | 1 388 339 |
Romania | 1 045 955 |
Saudi Arabia | 37 093 878 |
Senegal | 118 283 |
Serbia | 2 272 930 |
Seychelles | 3 407 968 |
Singapore | 317 167 |
Slovakia | 5 230 700 |
Slovenia | 375 774 |
South Africa | 2 011 252 |
South Korea | 1 341 934 |
South Ossetia | 76 526 |
South Sudan | 133 |
Spain | 520 480 |
Sri Lanka | 41 532 |
Sudan | 31 601 |
Sweden | 389 037 |
Switzerland | 303 174 |
Syria | 114 061 |
Taiwan | 85 529 |
Tajikistan | 5 191 124 |
Tanzania | 39 067 |
Thailand | 235 733 |
Togo | 1 008 |
Tunisia | 87 617 |
Turkey | 9 733 457 |
Turkmenistan | 34 306 790 |
Uganda | 4 |
Ukraine | 62 685 339 |
United Arab Emirates | 3 043 334 |
United Kingdom | 6 726 282 |
United States | 3 173 130 |
Unknown Region | 1 651 |
Uruguay | 35 012 |
Uzbekistan | 19 044 589 |
Venezuela | 30 350 |
Vietnam | 1 958 005 |
Yemen | 25 248 |